
I've been blizzarded

I had my interview today. It was very formal. I think it was a good two-way conversation, where they got to know me more and vice versa. It was three vs. me again. They said they'd call me by early next week.

It started lightly snowing in Jamestown around 3 p.m. The local forecast has predicted a blizzard to hit around midnight tonight. Needless to say, my 7 a.m. flight out of here tomorrow got cancelled. Now, I get to play in the snow and make snowmen until my rescheduled afternoon flight. I wish I brought my mittens...and had friends to enjoy the snow with...

I feel so tired and bloated right now. All that happens on interview trips is eating and talking. Going to restaurants and eating and talking. Then sitting in conference rooms and talking some more. Then going on driving tours of the town and listening to someone else talking. Talking is tiresome.

I'm ready to go home. For the first time in my life I'm wishing, "please don't snow too much."


Jane said...

yay more pictures! i hope it doesn't snow too much and you can get home. i don't envy the stress that this job hunt is causing but i do envy that you have several options before you. aja aja fighting! haha.

Eunice said...

@ jane: Glad you like the photos! I'm trying to get better about posting them more often.

Fighting - indeed!

enoch said...

i like the pictures as well. dang, i mad impressed by your interview skeelz. you must teach me someday. 3 vs 1 is pretty amazing

heej said...

good to hear that the interview went well :) i overheard parts of the convo you and yen had last night. is there a way to ask for an extension for the cali offer? it'd be great to have two offers right next to each other to weigh/compare, instead of the situation you're in right now =/

hey!! if i had the ability to fly, i woulda sooo gone over there to keep you company and make snowstuds with you!!! ;) see you tonight :D