
'Tripping to Barstow tomorrow

Hello from the West coast! I'm here in L.A. now and getting ready to settle in for the night since tomorrow will be a pretty big day. I'm driving out to the Desert Dispatch in Barstow, Calif. tomorrow morning which is about a two hour drive north east.

I'm planning on staying there for most of the day and will have lunch with a reporter and probably get a driving tour of the city (we could probably afford to walk it, but for the heat...). I'm excited, nervous and hopeful. It may (or may not) be where I end up. For those who I haven't updated, I'm going to be in one of three places as of the first week of December. Either:
  1. Barstow, CA
  2. Jamestown, ND
  3. Dallas, TX

I'm hoping either the first two, because that'll mean I've gotten a job. If Dallas - well - that'll be okay, too. My brother lives there = free room + board + infinite mooching. And that'll mean that the adventures of The Search will continue as well.

On a different note, I had a long talk on the phone with my brother yesterday and he challenged me to look at my career choice more critically. He mainly wanted me to consider things like job security, location, and future lifestyle choices. I guess it doesn't really put my family at ease to see that the direction I'm heading is a low salaried shrinking industry, largely located in obscure places and an unconventional (for my family's standards) career track.

I take what my family thinks into consideration a lot. Often the line gets blurred between what they want for me and what I think I want for me. Getting my first real job is the first really independent thing I would do - it would make a statement to my family. It separates and distinguishes you from your family, which used to be your primary identity. It's a responsibility that starts to carve out who you want yourself to become, and all the consequences - good, bad, purposeful and unintentional - that come along with that choice.

I feel like college spat me out as a shapeless blob - full of ideas but unformed by the authentic clash of real world variables like time, money, conflicting values, bosses, and problems that demand solutions rather than just debate, to name a few. I'm ready for that molding, that chipping process to begin.


enoch said...

you can do it eunice! follow your dreams! ...and other cliche motivational phrases. but for real, it seems like you really enjoy what you're doing and i think making that statement of your independence is a huge positive step. i support you eunice!

hj said...

It always seemed like, and pretty much confirmed according to your blog, that in the journalism business, one's gotta get his/her feet wet before the big shows lets him/her into the shark tank. Granted I know diddly squat about the journalism market/working-field, but some of these movies must be true (DWP). If that's the case, I think you should do what you think and believe you need to do.

The best advice I ever got was: don't strictly follow ANY one person's advice. Unless your brother's an accomplished writer/journalist, then I think you know what's best for you (no offense to your bro). You're smart enough to have reached where you are. You're smart enough to move in whatever direction from there =D

heej said...

hm, i never thought of my career choice as the way to identify myself aside from my own family. i think i'm gonna chew on that thought for a bit and see where mine's going and stuff.
eunice, you're strong willed and independent. you know what you want, and you definitely work your way around to obtain that. i believe in you eunice!! in whatever you do, i know you'll make the best decisions, those bringing the greatest reward & dreams!! love u buddie!!
...and i'm gonna miss u when u leave ='(

Eunice said...

@ enoch: I appreciate your support! I agree that at this stage, trying to become independent is a step in the right direction.

On a sorta related note, I've decided that there are two things in this world that I really, really, really like:

1. dresses with pockets
2. dreamers who work toward their dreams

@ hj: Hmm - that piece of advice is very practical and wise. I shall take that into consideration.

@ heej: Thanks for believing in me! I'm grateful to be surrounded by roomates like you who are supportive. I think I'm crazy to be leaving Atlanta...I'm going to miss you all so much T_T