
9 days left

Today was an unremarkable day. I drove under a cloudy sky and did a bunch of errands. I'm getting ready to leave. Packing is always such a monstrous task. Actually, the only reason today merits a post is because I figured out that my last day in Atlanta will be Friday, the 21st. So much to do, so little time!


Anonymous said...

Wow, just up and gone, you will be. Hope you found Atlanta to be quite memorable and till we meet again (since this blog should die very soon-dont blog about work).

heej said...

you could re-name it as 'the search.. to become a perfect journalist' and write about what you learn from work and stuff. something like that.. i think you should blog about your new job/work since hj blogs about his law school and what he learns in class ;)

other than that... i'm ='(
guess savannah's out the window.. but dance 101's still in?

Eunice said...

@ hj: I did find Atlanta incredibly memorable - more than I ever could have hoped.

Your tip on blogging is probably right on - although I'd like to keep this blog going (for my faithful readership of 5 or 6!). Maybe I'll tweak it a little.

@ heej: Dance 101 and Savannah are both on!!