
Vacations are for people who don't have jobs

What better time to travel then now? I have time to burn, after all, and heck with the exorbitant gas prices after Hurricane Ike and generally trying to save money (note: I said time to burn, not cash), I've gotten a bit of cabin fever and needed to get out. So. I have the privilege of living with a few friends who have jobs (like steady-eddie-get-paid-to- travel-job-jobs) so I've taken up their offers to tag along on business-y trips. Don't worry, I won't be crashing any board meetings in sweats and sneakers - I'll be keeping me and my sweats in hotels...web lounging/surfing, reading, sleeping, job searching, etc., essentially the same things I do at home. That's how Hattie convinced me to come, anyway. Made sense.

So this week's trip takes me and Hattie to Macon, Ga. We're staying overnight, which is just about perfect, because I'm not a big fan of motels.

Next week - if I'm good (haha) - I'll be going with Yen to Columbia, Tenn. Heej, are we doing a Savannah trip??

Anyway, in keeping with my blog's theme of journalism-y related topics, keep an eye out for my first book review in the coming days. Last night I finished reading an awesome book that made an incredibly convoluted and dense topic totally riveting. And what, in our day and age, is a better study in complexity than the Iraq war? NBC Middle East correspondent Richard Engel wrote about his five years covering the conflict, from the moment the first American bombs fell in 2003 until, well, he's still there now, so that gives you a feel for his commitment and utter entrenchment in the war, in War Journal: My Five Years In Iraq. So there's the teaser....


heej said...

yes, but shhhhhh! don't tell the whole world!! remember.. i still have to pretend that i've never been to savannah ;), so as far as the world knows... you and i aren't going to savannah, hahaha.

Lee Bee said...

fun! I wish I had time & energy to travel (and the money. haha) gosh, enjoy unemployment while it lasts. I miss it :P

it sounds like you're still in ATL? we should hang out sometime :)

heej said...

oh, mine would be a baltimore trip and i'll be glad to take u with me. i need an estrogen boost since the ppl i'll be meeting are whole bunch of guys in 40s with their own sense of humor, very ruggidy roughy kinda guys. but yeah, idk if they'll cover it for u.. =/ but then the project got delayed.. so i'll prolly fly over there in march-ish?

Eunice said...

@ heej: Ahem, cough, did I say Savannah? Ho ho ho, I totally meant to say Bahamas! Yeah! Cough/hack. What Savannah?? Cough.

@ lee: Yes, I'm still in Atlanta! After two months of unemployment, I feel like I'm finally actually - gasp! - enjoying it. A blessing in disguise? It depends on what day you catch me with that questions, but for today (from Macon), I'll def say yes.

enoch said...

sweet!! vacation! macon's alright. i took a road trip there once. not much to do. we ended up going to a mall. but i'm looking forward to your book review. i like reading your writings =)

Eunice said...

@ enoch: Thanks! I like reading your blog as well.

I agree - Macon's "alright." So far, the highlight's been eating from restaurants on the main drag. And just hanging out.

@ heej: I've never been to Baltimore...ooh the possibilities!