
The latest news

I'm having my second round interview by phone with the Desert Dispatch (the California newspaper) on Monday afternoon.

Originally, the Desert Dispatch was suppose to have made their final decision about the position by Friday the 17th and have told me either yay or nay. They had also told me to expect a second round interview call from human resources before that time. As the time passed from my less than illustrious phone interview performance, I grew more certain that I had blown my chances and should chalk one up for a "learning experience."

But today, I received a call. It's the kind of thing that confirms my theory that unemployment = experiencing life as a bipolar person. Manically excited and drooling one moment. Listless the next.


enoch said...

quite an accurate statement. unemployment does equate with bipolarity. good thing i'm still in school =)

Jane said...

the first few weeks are a bit taxing on the noggin' too. you're trying to show that you're not a total noob while scoping out the work place and making sure you don't step on anyone's toes. good luck on the interview!

Eunice said...

@ enoch: Yeah, school was such a happy place...

@ jane: Danke schon! I can imagine that getting use to your new job is keeping you on your toes.

Do you get to do any taste testings? Perhaps you will become a wine connoisseur and this job will be your foray into that world!

heej said...

ach, deutsch! Jane!! wo arbeitest du?

i agree with the school being a happy place. i kinda knew this before i even got into the real world.. so it makes me feel like i got kicked out of the happy place, forced into the real world.
but it's all good. i'll soon be searching for that happiness..

Eunice said...

@ heej: As will I...some day three or four years down the road. Or so.