

So, I'm here. In Wisconsin. In Stevens Point, to be more specific. It's not what I pictured, really. I'm not sure what exactly I had imagined, but I think I was preparing myself for the worst, just in case. It's a '70's town, for sure, but quite hospitable.

I arrived and met the managing editor at the airport. We chatted on the 40 minute car ride back into town. Mainly rehashing my summer internship, etc. Then I had lunch at a cute little place called The Wooden Chair with the community editor (who, btw, shares the name of an X-Men character - cool or what? I'll leave you to guess which). We actually had a wonderful conversation that was part work/interview-ish, but generally totally enjoyable.

After that, one of the photogs - who's lived here forever - took me on a driving tour of the town. North, south, west, east. Nothing to raise the pulse, but I got a good honest lay of the land. There are a lot of parks here - strange parallel to Gwinnett county...hmmmm.

I took a good long nap after checking into my motel and am now waiting to go to dinner with the ME. Where are the pictures, you ask? They'll be coming soon enough....

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