
So, what you got?

I'll need to do some homework tonight. I picked up several copies of the paper so I can catch up on recent news so I can have half a clue about what to do when I get assigned a story tomorrow morning.

The paper is pretty thin. Since it's a small town paper, I'd say it's daily print product is about the thickness of a large metro paper's individual section. It's part of a regional collection of four Gannett-owned daily community newspapers. The managing editor and I went to dinner and I got to ask her a bunch of questions. She's fairly new herself and has a lot of plans in mind (video, multimedia, mentoring, etc.) but says she hasn't put things in motion yet.

Here are some pretty flowers . The scenery here reminds me of Oregon. I've been hearing a lot about this trail called the Green Circle, which is like a 26 mile loop that encircles the town (which also gives you another gauge on the size of this place).

Also, sports are big here. Baseball, hockey, and of course, with the Green Bay Packers, football. But I only like football that involves tv dramas like Friday Night Lights. Ah well.

Apparently another big deal here is fish fry. There are several bodies of water around. Ponds here and there. The great lakes not too far off. A river that cuts through the middle of town. (I guess they ran out of the letter "s" from the other side of the sign.)

I'll close with a nice view from the airplane and some ending thoughts on the day.

I'm feeling a lot more pressure now that I'm actually here. Not necessarily pressure from the company to take the job, but pressure to just make the right decision - a good decision.

I've heard someone say that when it comes to choices, you make a decision and then you make it the right one. When is that attitude/outlook beneficial? Or is it just the only option in some cases?


Jessie Pounds said...

Your blog looks very chic. Lay out for the newspaper is not not that bad either.

Jane said...

jean grey? that's the only non-obvious superhero name i can think of, surely not xavier or logan. come to think of it i only know the last names of two x-men jean and kitty pryde. anyway, seems like you're fitting in pretty well, do you have other job possibilities elsewhere?

Eunice said...

I just did a bit of googling and realized it would have been more accurate for me to say that she was an X-Men villain: Mystique. Cool, huh?

I had some leads in New York and Florida and both fell through - the first because I didn't like them as much as they liked me and the second because, well, they didn't call me back for Round 2. Plus, it was like in Florida retirement land anyway. Bah.