

I've been inspired to get back to blogging. Or just communication, in general. I've been pretty bad about keeping in touch with people through Facebook, etc. For a while the most it's been is a sporadic status update or an occasional Google chat conversation.

Wow....my last post was July! Sheez....

Okay, I guess the key to successfully remaining committed to something like this is to keep it small, manageable.

So today was my friend Helen's 49th birthday. I just baked iced pumpkin cookies (this is a tried and true recipe that I highly recommend. Plus, if you gather all these ingredients, you'll have everything you need for homemade pumpkin pie, too). We're celebrating tonight!


maximilianlin said...

hello! yes, lets keep each other accountable for blogging consistently! feel free to be pushy :). hope all is well!

Anonymous said...

oh wow, iced pumpkin cookies? sounds delicious!

Anonymous said...

good stuff :)