
Another day, another chapter

Hello from sunny California! I completed my second full day of work today and I'm glad to be turning in for the night soon. I think my body forgot a little bit what it's like to be busy. I don't think I've been truly busy since college or maybe a bit this summer during a particularly intense work week. Anyway, I'm happy to be working, to be busy, to have a schedule, to be starting this all.

I know I'm not suppose to blog about work (per a few recommendations I've received) but I'll just give a brief summary. My co-workers are super down-to-earth, which I love. My boss is fairly laid back and let's the reporters work independently. I found an apartment that's less than 10 minutes from work, so that's definitely a blessing. And today, I actually started sort of making friends.

Overall, it's starting to feel less scary out here. I'm out in the middle of nowhere (note: this is not hyperbole in my case), but at least I'm starting to get to know some of the people here.

I'm excited about my job duties, which will have me primarily reporting on education and the military (Fort Irwin, a large military training base, is about 40 minutes away and is a large chunk of the people here). There are two school districts, and today I scheduled a meeting with the superintendent of one of them just to introduce myself to her as the new ed beat reporter and learn more about the district.

Oh, one bad thing was yesterday I had to sit through a 4 hour city council meeting. I'm not even covering government, but I had to tag along with another reporter just to go to observe. It ended almost at 11:30 pm. It was way past my bedtime. I wanted to crawl under the uncomfortable chair I was sitting in and close my eyes.

But other than that, things are pretty aok....

On another note, I'm still deciding just what to do with this blog. I want to continue blogging, but I need a change in direction. Any suggestions are welcome!


heej said...

hi eunice~!!! i'm glad to hear that you're doing well :) your apt hunting definitely was a something amazing :D you should definitely write about your work!! i'd like to know what you do, how you're doing, and just gaze at your mad vocab skills. i miss you~!!
1) i have short bangs.
2) i THINK we're moving out this weekend..
3) secret santa might.. not work out?? but you should come visit us for another reason.
call me or yen when you get a chance~ love ya!

enoch said...

you should write about "adventures in barstow!" or "adventures in the middle of nowhere" or some other kind of adventure of your transition into cali life, but it should definitely have the word "adventure" in it

hj said...

Fun! Glad you're back in the groove =)

I've read that one shouldn't blog about work lest the manager/boss find out what you really think about things. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if you password protected it...

Blog about finding a husband! "The Search for THE MAN" lolerz

Jane said...

i'm glad you're all settled. i'm sure it must've been hectic what with moving across country, finding an apt., the holidays coming up, and starting a new life. phew. but you've made it! there were two culprits behind the pyrex incident. me and cold water. fortunately, i was wearing a long sleeve turtleneck and jeans. do you have any scars from your bout with exploding cookware?